About the Reedmaker

Chelsea Kanicsar - Headshot.jpg

Chelsea Kanicsar is the Lecturer of Oboe at Pittsburg State University. She runs her own reed company, Prism Reeds, where she sells oboe and english horn reeds as well as processed cane. Ms. Kanicsar is also working towards her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Oboe Performance.

Given Chelsea’s passion for both performing and teaching, she has remained an active performer and educator across the country. A few of her performing activities included recording short film soundtracks with Scott Hallgren in Nashville, holding a principal oboe position with the Musica Nova Orchestra in Phoenix, AZ, acting as a substitute with ensembles including the Tucson Symphony Orchestra, and performing with the Classical Music Festival in Eisenstadt and Vienna, Austria. A strong supporter for new music, she has also been a part of twelve world premieres and will be premiering three new commissioned works for oboe/english horn and bassoon July 2022.

As a pedagogue, Ms. Kanicsar has taught masterclasses in Tennessee, Ohio, Arizona, and Texas for middle and high school students. During her time in Texas, she was in high demand and maintained a studio of seventy private lesson students across the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.
Chelsea also served as a judge for region and area Texas All-State auditions and had students participate in the Texas All-State Bands and Orchestras throughout her time living there.

Chelsea continues to maintain memberships with professional organizations including the International Double Reed Society and has won awards from the National Society of Arts and Letters-Greater Arizona Chapter and the Sigma Alpha Iota Psi B Province Scholarship Competition.

Ms. Kanicsar earned her Bachelor of Music in Instrumental Education and Oboe Performance with a Secondary Education minor from Middle Tennessee State University as well as her Master of Music in Oboe Performance from Arizona State University. Her primary teachers include Martin Schuring, and Laura Ann Ross.